Music-Go-Rounds Manipulatives

When kids play with Music-Go-Rounds—in group games, listening & movement activities, at the whiteboard, on charts, or in centers—they build confidence and skills. Manipulatives are like hands for your brain: they help you “grasp,” understand, and remember concepts. Like building blocks, the elements of music can be combined in wondrous ways.

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242 Results

  • Learn to identify various ensembles, sing in solo, duet, trio, etc; listen and identify various groupings. Much more in our PDF Guide.

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  • Learn the Italian terms and use the MGRs to change the tempos of a song, a groove, a chant. Listen to music and select the tempo. Many more activities in our PDF Guide.

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  • Articulations add excitement, change the mood, vary the tone quality, and invite participation in the music.  Use MGRs to change grooves, sound stories, grooves. Identify them as you listen to music. match them to the Italian terms. 

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  • Orchestrate songs, stories, & poems with rhythm instruments!

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  • Name the instruments, group them in families, aurally identify them. PDF Guide has many more games/activities.  Set of 27.

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  • Active listening with Music-Go-Rounds of the instruments and characters in Peter and the Wolf!  Lots of games and activities in the PDF Guide.

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  • Listen to the Suite and identify the animals from the instruments with our colorful, squishy silicone manipulatives.

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  • Identify moods and emotions in dramatic play, in music, in each other with our interactive silicone manipulatives.

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  • Explore steady beat from head to toe!  Rhythm reading is a fun challenge, too.  

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  • Use our interactive silicone manipulatives as spot markers in games of direction and movement, twister and more.

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  • Add a set of blank erasable dots to your Music-Go-Rounds collection to easily add a rhythm, symbol, letter name, etc.

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  • Need a few extra rhythms, notes, terms?  Use our erasable dots with erasable markers, chalk, or gel crayons.  

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    6 or more for $6.00 ea.
  • by Mark Burrows. 44 engaging hands-on activities and movement games that teach the elements of music through Music-Go-Rounds silicone manipulatives

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  • Includes visual aids, charts, and manipulatives to complement MusicPlay, which is a complete curriculum that includes many audio and visual aids as part of its core package. 

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  • Cut & Play Rhythm N'Counters Printable Manipulatives allow students to explore basic concepts of rhythm and meter and develop rhythm reading and ear training skills. Download allow you to print as many as you need.

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  • 20 familiar diatonic songs color-coded to both Kidsplay and BoomWhacker/ChromaNotes instruments and MGR AlphaDots.

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  • 20 more familiar diatonic songs color-coded to both Kidsplay and BoomWhacker/ChromaNotes instruments and MGR AlphaDots. 

    in carts
  • 20 more familiar diatonic songs color-coded to both Kidsplay and BoomWhacker/ChromaNotes instruments and MGR AlphaDots. 

    in carts
  • Class-sized for all your rhythm games.  

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  • Spin to identify, to change the tempo/dynamic of a song, whatever games you can imagine.  

    in carts

242 Results

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