Workshop with Matthew Gollub
Thursday, July 6 • 1:30-3:30 pm
Music in Motion • 1601 E. Plano Parkway, Suite 100, Plano, TX 75074
Cost: $35
Engage Students with Musical Literature—Starring Foreign Words!
Introduce your music students to words in Spanish, French, Japanese and jazz—all while keeping a beat! Through his Jazz Fly series, Matthew discovered that presenting “foreign” words not only piques young people’s interest. It validates English learners—and helps ALL students master new English vocabulary. Get ready to chant and mark rhythms while engaging your music students with stories and Language Arts!
This workshop is intended for teachers of grades K-6. Topics covered: rhythm, meter, musical genres, instrument recognition, and vocabulary words from English and other languages.
Registration includes:
- Workshop
- Meet-and-Greet with the author and book signing
- FREE book by Matthew Gollub (up to $18.95 value)
- Certificate of Attendance (for Training Credit)
- Prize drawing at end of session
- 10% discount on any purchase made in our showroom and coupon for future use
Call us at 972 943-8744 or email us at if you have any questions.
Note: Registration fee is non-refundable after July 3, 2023.
About Matthew Gollub
Matthew Gollub is an internationally-known children’s author who has performed at over 1,000 schools. A dynamic drummer and bilingual (English / Spanish) presenter, he inspires students and teachers to bring stories to life. His 20 picture books have garnered dozens of awards and distinctions. While his musical narrations accompany some of his most popular books, including The Jazz Fly series, he also has written traditional picture books set in Mexico and Japan where he has lived. He lives with his family in Santa Rosa, California, north of the Golden Gate Bridge.