GOBBLE, QUACK, MOON Hardback w/Audio

Item No: 6362


written and performed by Matthew Gollub

Farmer Beth dancing in her tutu gives Katie the cow restless dreams. The author of Jazz Fly offers another active book--the farm animals sing and dance their adventure with great opportunity for class participation in solo and chorus.

Gobble-gobble, Moo-gobble, gobble-Haw quack. Moo quack-a Quack-a moo, Just like that. Lots of fun!
Hardback with CD and free audio download.

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About Matthew Gollub

Matthew Gollub is an internationally-known children’s author who has performed at over 1,000 schools. A dynamic drummer and bilingual (English / Spanish) presenter, he inspires students and teachers to bring stories to life. His 20 picture books have garnered dozens of awards and distinctions. While his musical narrations accompany some of his most popular books, including The Jazz Fly series, he also has written traditional picture books set in Mexico and Japan where he has lived. He lives with his family in Santa Rosa, California, north of the Golden Gate Bridge.

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