- The Basics - Staff, Notes, and Rests
1. The Musical Staff
2. Notes and Rests
3. Know Your Notes and Rests
4. Note Values
5. Rest Values
6. Note and Rest Values
7. Identifying Notes
8. Identifying Rests
9. Identifying Notes and Rests
10. Notes and Rests Math
11. Do You Know Your Notes and Rests?
12. How Many Quarter Note Beats in a Measure?
13. How Many Half and Eighth Note Beats in a Measure?
14. Barlines and Measures - Quarter Note Beat
15. Barlines and Measures - Half and Eighth Note Beat
16. Dotted Notes
17. Counting Beats in a Measure I
18. Counting Beats in a Measure II
19 Add the Missing Note
20. Add the Missing Rest
21. Tied Notes
22. Musical Equations
23. Note Names - Treble Clef
24. Note Names - Bass Clef
25. Ledger Lines
26. Sharps and Flats - Treble Clef
27. Sharps and Flats - Bass Clef
28. Sharps and Flats - Two Clefs
29. Identifying Notes in the Treble Clef
30. Identifying Notes in the Bass Clef
31. Match the Notes - Treble Clef
32. Match the Notes - Bass Clef
33. Note Names - Treble and Bass Clef
34. Know Your Notes in Two Clefs
35. Major Key Signatures in the Treble Clef
36. Major Key Signatures in the Bass Clef
37. Major Key Signatures in Treble and Bass Clefs
38. Know Your Key Signatures
39. Note Naming with Key Signatures and Accidentals - Treble Clef
40. Note Naming with Key Signatures and Accidentals - Bass Clef
41. Accidentals in Treble and Bass Clefs
- Musical Symbols and Terms
42. Know Your Musical Symbols
43. Match the Musical Symbols and Terms
44. Which Is It? Musical Symbols
45. How Loud? How Soft? Dynamics
46. Know Your Musical Dynamics
47. How Fast? How Slow? Tempo
48. Staccato, Accent, Fermata
49. Dynamics, Accent, Tenuto, Marcato
50. Time Signatures: 2/4, 3/4, 4/4
51. More Time Signatures: 2/4, 3/4, 4/4
52. Advanced Time Signatures
Keyboard Identification
53. Keyboard Identification - White Notes
54. Keyboard Identification - White and Black Notes
55. Unscramble the Musical Terms
56. Word Search - Musical Terms in English
57. Word Search - Musical Terms in Italian
58. Word Search - Musical Tempo Terms
59. Crossword - The Basics of Music
60. Crossword - Musical Terms