Item No: 6448


Sequential Lessons in Music Reading Readiness
by Jay Althouse.

Four sequential units of 8 lessons each—Staff, Clef, Notes; Rhythm; Pitch; More Symbols and Terms—prepare students for a first encounter with printed music.

Includes a bonus of cut-out symbols for flashcards/bulletin board. Completely reproducible, with PDFs on CD. For Gr. 4 and up. 120 pp.

Spiral Paperback & Data CD

Additional Info


  • Introduction
  • Unit 1 — Staff, Clefs, Notes
1. The Staff
2. Treble Clef
3. Bass Clef
4. Notes
5. Whole Note
6. Half Note
7. Quarter Note
8. Eighth Note
  • Unit 2 — Rhythm
1. Rests
2. Whole Rest and Half Rest
3. Quarter Rest and Eighth Rest
4. Barlines and Measures
5. Beats
6. Time Signature
7. Dots
8. Ties
  • Unit 3 — Pitch
1. Note Names in the Treble Clef
2. Note Names in the Bass Clef
3. Ledger Lines
4. Grand Staff
5. Sharp and Flat
6. Key Signatures
7. Naming Key Signatures
8. Natural Sign and Accidentals
  • Unit 4 — More Musical Symbols and Terms
1. How Loud? How Soft?
2. More About Loud and Soft
3. How Fast? How Slow?
4. Staccato and Fermata
5. Accent, Tenuto, and Marcato
6. Repeats, First and Second Endings
7. Vocal Music
8. Putting It All Together (L'il Liza Jane)
  • The Symbols of Music
  • Review Answer Key
  • The Water Is Wide, a performance piece
  • Ready to Read Music Certificate

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