In this extraordinary film series, children of different cultures share one thing: a love of music which is their source of joy and motivation.
This DVD focuses on a talented young child’s devotion to a traditional instrument from Trinidad, the history and making of that instrument, how unwritten musical traditions are passed on, and a final public presentation and approval of the young musician before elders and society. Witness their daily family and community life in impoverished circumstances, and revel at how music transforms their young lives.
PANMAN from Trinidad & Tobago
Donell dreams of becoming a "Panman", West Indies name for a steel drummer. Join him in his daily life as he learns to play the pan drums, watches a master craftsman create pans from old oil drums, and practices all the time. It's the most exciting day of his life when he is chosen to rehearse calypso, jazz, and classical music with the "Potential Symphony Orchestra" which performs in "Panorama", the exciting, dramatic, and huge annual competition held during Carnival.
Highly recommended for all ages. 26 min. DVD includes performance rights.