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5 Results

  • $32.00
    Nothing stirs our emotions like film music! Encourage children to explore and expressd in movement, art, emojis the feelings evoked.
  • The LITTLE PRINCE DVD & Paperback Set

    Item No: 9872
    ($30 Value - Save $4)

    The Little Prince from another planet learns the importance of life (and love) in the book by St. Exupery and the opera with music by Rachel Portman.

  • RONAN TYNAN Hardback & 2 DVDs Set

    Item No: 9125
    ($75 Value - Save $10)

    A 3-part career path led Tynan from Olympic heights in sports to a medical career as a physician, and later in life to an international career with the Three Irish Tenors. Read about it, watch the story, and hear him sing. An amazing person!

  • $39.95

    Identify the moods of the imaginative and varied film music on the CDs with our silicone manipulative EMOJIs. 

  • $12.95

    A project of the Children's Kindness Network, this also introduces the instruments of the orchestra.

5 Results

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