Teaching Resources

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  •  John Feierabend's favorite tools and techniques to help children explore and develop their voices.

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  • PITCH EXPLORATION Pathways & Stories CARDS Set

    Item No: 6240
    ($40 Value - Save $2)

    John Feierabend offers 12 stories and 12 images to encourage and inspire children to explore vocal muscles and discover sounds.

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  • John Feierabend.  Children vocalize the lines to develop vocal awareness. 

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  • John Feierabend's chosen stories for helping children develop their vocal muscles.

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  • John Feierabend has created 11" x 17" picture cards for this echo and cumulative folksong.

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  • Can Your Voice Do This? comp.  by John Feierabend.  Children explore the wonders of the human voice through stories, ideas, poems, songs that invite participation.

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  • You Sing, I Sing.  comp. by John Feierabend.  Call and response singing is engaging and a step beyond echo songs to help children become "tuneful, beatful, and artful."

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  •  I'll Sing After you comp. by John Feierabend.  Traditional echo folk songs are fun—and ideal for inspiring children to develop singing independence. 

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  • Lillie Feierabend, an outstanding early childhood educator, demonstrates with 1st-3rd graders the Arioso section of John Feierabend’s First Steps Curriculum.

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  • Music is for everyone, insists Sr. Lorna Zemke.  Join the joyful class to learn about her readiness tools, philosophy and more. 

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