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5400 Results

  • Show, touch, feel, and perform patterns of beats with our interactive silicone manipulatives.

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  • Arrange our silicone manipulatives in patterns, phrases, and familiar tunes to aid learning and reading. A step-by-step approach and many activities in our PDF Guide.

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  • Add this set of silicone manipulatives to arrange more patterns and melodies for identification and reading.

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  • Make teaching easier and learning rhythms more fun with our silicone manipulatives. 

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  • Learn concepts of note values and relationships, counting, meter, and time signatures with our silicone manipulatives.

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  • Our Basic Rhythms Set supplements Rhythm N’Counters, adding extra pieces of the most basic rhythms so that you can create longer patterns.

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  • These 2-beat MGRs were inspired by Gunild Keetman's Orff building bricks and allow you to create longer patterns, especially when combined with MGR Rhythm N'Counters.

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  • Use our translucent silicone sharps/flats to add key signatures on Giant Charts and Floor Mats.

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  • Add the chromatics to note, interval, scale, chord learning with our tactile silicone manipulative.

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  • Make music theory easy as A-B-C with our multi-sensory approach!

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  • Our silicone manipulatives for games of notes, intervals, and chords.

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  • Our colorful, tactile, silicone manipulatives visually show rising and falling scale patterns.

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    2 or more for $10.00 ea.
  • Use for A-Rhythm-a-tic problems.  Share them with your math teacher, too!  

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  • Use our interactive silicone manipulatives to learn & apply the dynamic elements of music.

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  • Learn to identify various ensembles, sing in solo, duet, trio, etc; listen and identify various groupings. Much more in our PDF Guide.

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  • Learn the Italian terms and use the MGRs to change the tempos of a song, a groove, a chant. Listen to music and select the tempo. Many more activities in our PDF Guide.

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  • Articulations add excitement, change the mood, vary the tone quality, and invite participation in the music.  Use MGRs to change grooves, sound stories, grooves. Identify them as you listen to music. match them to the Italian terms. 

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  • Name the instruments, group them in families, aurally identify them. PDF Guide has many more games/activities.  Set of 27.

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  • Listen to the Suite and identify the animals from the instruments with our colorful, squishy silicone manipulatives.

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  • Identify moods and emotions in dramatic play, in music, in each other with our interactive silicone manipulatives.

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5400 Results

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