Here's what you've been looking for—reproducible worksheets in sequential order for teaching basic music theory!
Includes activities appropriate for 5th grade plus fun sheets that reinforce learning. Students can start at their appropriate grade level, even as beginners. 28 Lessons, 3 Fun Sheets
Highlights of the Fifth Grade reproducible packet include:
Pre-test, note drill in treble & bass, stem rule, dotted notes, notation, grand staff, 16th note & rest, simple & compound meter, conducting patterns, rhythm drill, 6/8 time, syncopation, intervals (unison-8ve), whole & half steps, major scales & key signatures through 2 sharps & flats, introduction to harmonic minor scales, I, IV, V triads, strong & weak cadences, major & minor triads, vocabulary, ear training, post-test, teacher ear-training guide.