Music-Go-Rounds silicone manipluatives cling to whiteboards and laminated charts—for the whole class or learning centers. With PDF Activity Guide for listening games, movement, storytelling, and more. Silicone, 3¾".
What's included:
2 set of Music-Go-Rounds, with PDF Activity Guides, download below.
The Carnival just got more fun! Listen to Carnival of the Animals and identify the animals by placing the Carnival animal squishy dot on the whiteboard. Music-Go-Rounds are a great visual and manipulative tool to help kids focus, listen actively, and remember more! Includes a web link to Carnival listening and movement games. Create a listening map by adding Dynamics, Tempo, and Articulation Dots to each piece. Add Heartbeats to illustrate meter patterns and stressed/unstressed beats
Peter just got even more fun with our silicone manipulatives—MGRs— for active listening! Introduce the characters and the instrument that identifies each. Listen and ask kids to place the proper Music-Go-Round on the whiteboard as they hear each in the music. Assess the connections after listening by placing an instrument dot on the board and asking children to place the identifying instrument dot.