Music-Go-Rounds Basic Rhythms matches Music-Go-Rounds Rhythms N’Counters in size and color, so by combining the two sets you have a wider range of activities available.
Basic Rhythms adds an extra quantity of the most basic rhythms. Rhythm N’Counters has fewer of each individual rhythm but more variety of rhythms, plus numbers and time signatures. These two sets combined give you lots of options.
See Rhythm N’Counters Activity Guide (download below) for additional rhythm-making activities to use with Basic Rhythms.
What's included:
- Basic Rhythms (28183)
is a good flexible beginning set, proportionally sized to show relative duration. Arrange in patterns for rhythm reading, explore 2/4, 3/4, and 4/4 meter, use for ear-training and dictation, notate rhythms of familiar tunes, create rhythm grooves, and use in drum circles. Set of 35
- Rhythm N'Counters (28054)
Learn concepts of note values and relationships, counting, meter, and time signatures. Students visualize the duration of the rhythms by the relative size of the pieces. The set includes 19 flexible silicone strips (12" x 2½") to cut on dotted lines to create 64 individual pieces.