Favorite Bible songs, action songs, spirituals, and prayers, plus familiar Bible verses are included in this second We Sing Bible collection. Children and adults will enjoy sharing these timeless songs and stories brought to life through uplifting music.
47 songs and Bible verses, 64-page illustrated book with lyrics, 60-minute CD.
1. I Will Sing of the Mercies of the Lord
2. Alive, Alive
3. I'm Gonna Sing
4. How Great Is Our God
6. What a Mighty God We Serve
7. Be Strong in the Lord
8. Come and Go with Me
9. Wide, Wide As the Ocean
10. Everybody Ought to Know
11. Blessed Be the Name
12. Tell Me the Stories of Jesus
13. There Were Twelve Disciples
14. Praise and Thanksgiving
15. Count Your Blessings
16. Be My Shepherd
17. Evening Prayer
18. God, Our Loving Father
19. A Little Prayer
20. Bless the Lord, O My Soul
21. Come, Let Us Gather
22. "Give," Said the Little Stream
23. Chatter with the Angels
24. Father Noah
25. The Golden Rule
26. Little Drops of Water
27. Jesus Bids Us Shine
28. Baby Moses5. God Said It
29. Jesus Loves the Little Children
30. Jesus and the Children
31. The Birds Upon the Treetops
32. Give Thanks
33. I'm Thankful
34. Somebody's Knockin' at your Door
35. Lord, I Want to Be a Chrisian
36. I Have Decided to Follow Jesus
37. I Am a C-H-R-I-S-T-I-A-N38. Ho-Ho-Ho-Hosanna
39. A Little Talk with Jesus
40. I'm Gonna Work
41. Joy! Joy! Joy!
42. Stand Up, Sit Down
43. Are We Downhearted?
44. Exercise Hymn
45. 'Tis Simple As Can Be
46. Dare to Be a Daniel
47. The "Happy Day" Express