What's included:
The antics of young Max and his journey to the Land of the Wild Things, and Jennie, the Sealyham terrier's search for something more than everything, are set against beautifully intricate designs which adhere faithfully to the illustrations in the famous children's books by Maurice Sendak. The music is skillfully orchestrated with an unerring ability to depict fantasy characters and scenarios—a rare fusion of wit and lyricism. Not rated, 98 min. DVD.
Two Fantasy Operas composed and conducted by Oliver Knussen
- WHERE THE WILD THINGS ARE starring Karen Beardsley as Max
- HIGGLETY PIGGLETY POP! starring Cynthia Buchan as Jennie
With: Andrew Gallacher, Rosemary Hardy, Hugh Hetherington, Neil Jenkins, Mary King, Jeremy Munro, Stephen Rhys-Williams, Deborah Rees, Stephen Richardson