Denise Gagne gets children singing and moving with 60 name, guessing, acting, choosing, chase, hiding, beat-keeping, and cumulative game songs.
Songs are indexed by Teaching Concept (solfege syllables, rhythmic patterns and meter), Topics, and Title.
A great resource for music specialists, classroom teachers and substitutes.
Paperback/CD + Digital Download
Name Games:
- Good Morning
- Hello Game
- Concentration
- Cookie Jar Chant
- Corner Grocery Store
- Hey Liddee
Winding Games:
- Snail, Snail
- The Snail
- Skip to My Lou
- Thread and Needle
- Alley Alley Oh
Guessing Games:
- Cuckoo
- Doggie Doggie
- Tommy Tiddlemouse
- Who’s That?
- Five Fat Turkeys
- Down Came Johnny
Choosing Games:
- Hippity Hop
- Farmer in the Dell
- Goblin in the Dark
- Purple Stew
- One in the Middle
- Dr. Knickerbocker
- Rig a Jig Jig
Hiding Games:
- Closet Key
- Cobbler Cobbler
- Button You Must Wander
- New Partner Games:
- Bow Wow Wow
- I'se the B'y
- Wake Me! Shake Me!
- John Kanakanaka
- Donkey Riding
- Wishy Washy Wee
Chase Games:
- Lucy Locket
- Mouse Mousie
- Charlie Over the Ocean
- Tisket a Tasket
- Madame I Have Gold and Silver
- Let us Chase the Squirrel
- Cut the Cake
- Drop the Handkerchief
- Ickle Ockle
Group Chase Games:
- Witch Witch
- The Old Gray Cat
- Black Snake
Beat Keeping Games:
- Hot Potato
- Engine Engine Number Nine
- Pass the Stick
- Johnny One Hammer
- One Potato
- Jack in the Box
Cumulative Games:
- Old King Glory
- Circle Round the Zero
- Here Comes a Bluebird
- Go Round the Village
Skipping Games:
- Cinderella
- Bluebells
- Had a Little Crate
- On a Mountain
- Miss Lucy
Acting Games:
- Lemonade
Listen to Samples:
NOTE: This is NOT the full track listing.