Reproducible Teacher Books and P/A CDs
by Sally Albrecht and Jay Althouse.
Each of these themed collections has additional information about the subject that is easily inserted to create a program.
Add props and costumes, stage them or perform on risers, adding simple moves as suggested.
Flexible as to time and grade level.
What's included:
- It's A Zoo Out There!: Animals A-Z (6365)
27 songs, from the Absent-Minded Alligator to the Zany Zebra, for K-5,with additional activities and "About the Animals" Information.
- It's Easy Being Green! (9195)
Reduce, reuse, recycle, renew! Turn It off, Drip, Drip, Drop Drop, The Recycle Rap, Goin? Green. Gr. 1-6.
- Movin' in the Right Direction (6353)
7 songs with connecting narration to help build character and integrity. Gr. 2-7.