By Janet Gardner, arranged by Jay Althouse with orchestration by Alan Billingsley.
The Sun decides to take a vacation in another galaxy, leaving the planets out of orbit.
Grades 3 & up learn about the solar system and can use great props to make this "light up": flashlights, glow wands, kazoos, a mirror ball or other light effects. See our Performance Accessories for more ideas.
Unison/2pt. 25 minutes.
CD for Star Search Director's Score (6425)
Musical Sequence:
- Prologue (Instrumental)
- We Didn’t “Planet” This Way (Earth, Planets, and Chorus)
- Solar Introductions (Planets and Chorus)
- Play Off Music I (Instrumental)
- In My Own Little Space (Proxima, Stars, and Chorus)
- Sunny Side Up (Sirius, Moons, and Chorus)
- Play Off Music II (Instrumental)
- Follow the Sun (Planets and Chorus)
- Follow the Sun: Reprise (All)
Listen to Samples:
NOTE: This is NOT the full track listing.