SCIENCE FAIR SPECTACULAR: A Musical about Great Scientists: Performance Kit

Item No: 21533


by Sonya Piper and Mark Burrows.

Arts integration in a musical. Collaborate with the science and social studies teacher(s).

Outfit the chorus in lab coats, and equip the band with our marching band hats (2687) and inflatable instruments (3463), as you sing Surfin’ through the Science of Sound.

Einstein dons the mad scientist wig (4284) for Imagination is More Important than Knowledge and Solid, Liquid, Gas; Marie Curie (Radioactivity) uses gloves and goggles; Darwin (Evolution) has a beard and bowler hat; Carver (The Peanut) gets a bow tie; plus Newton (The Laws of Motion), Carson (New Revolution); Galileo (Go, Galileo).

A musically varied score, clever lyrics, and witty dialog make this a hit with kids and audience alike! CD has scripts with 14 speaking parts, reproducible scores, program, and poster templates to print, plus audio for practice and performance. 

Gr. 3-5. Paperback & Enhanced CD

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